Open to New Applications December 1 - March 15. No new applications can be created after the March 15 date.

Recommendations need to be completed and received by Questa no later than March 15, for an application to be considered. Alert your recommendations to check their email as soon as you submit your application. Please Note: Chrome & Firefox browsers are recommended when applying.

Walk Through Our Application Step-by-Step

You can also download the steps HERE!

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11

Step 12

  • If you feel the FAFSA does not provide an accurate or complete picture of your family’s financial situation, please complete the form below to explain and document your personal, special circumstance(s). Students with a Student Aid Index (SAI) of $30,000 or higher are encouraged to submit this form. We are happy to consider these circumstances and invite you to share this information with us.

    Go to the Special Circumstance Form

  • Please upload any supporting documentation to your application in the Questa student portal. The list below includes examples of acceptable documentation. While submitting supporting documents is optional, providing them will help us better understand your current financial situation.

    Recommended Supporting Documents:

    Loss of employment

    • Copy of last/most recent paystub with YTD earnings

    • Letter from previous employer stating date of termination or reduction in pay and/or hours

    • Severance statement (if applicable)

    Loss of benefits

    • Last check stub(s) or printout of benefit(s) received

    • Letter from agency verifying date and amount of benefit(s) lost.

    Separation or divorce of parents

    • Documentation of separation, divorce, or verification of separate residences

    • Documentation of child support, family support, or maintenance support. Include support that is received or anticipated to be received.

     Death of parent

    • Copy of Death Certificate and/or Obituary

    One-time (lump sum) payment received

    • Clarification (ie. IRA distribution, sale of property, inheritance, 1099 form, etc).

    • Detailed explanation of how income was used

    Medical expenses

    • Explanation of situation and estimate of out of pocket medical expenses paid

    • Estimate of future out of pocket medical expenses

     Unusual expenses

    • Description of circumstances related to expense

    • Copy of receipts, statements (if applicable)

     Student is independently paying for college

    • Letter from a trusted adult (not a parent) who can verify the student is not receiving financial help from their family to pay for college

Step 13

Step 14

Step 15

  • View your online FAFSA Submission Summary by:

    1. logging in to your account Dashboard,

    2. selecting your processed FAFSA submission from the “My Activity” section, and

    3. selecting “View FAFSA Submission Summary.”

    Learn more about your FAFSA Submission Summary here.

  • Before you can access your FAFSA Submission Summary, your FAFSA must be processed. If you're still waiting for this, you can upload a screenshot of your FAFSA confirmation email to your Questa application instead. This email, sent from, will have the subject line, “We’ve Received Your FAFSA Form,” and should include an estimated Student Aid Index. Make sure the estimated SAI is visible in your screenshot, as we need to see the full number. An example of the FAFSA confirmation email is provided here.

  • Students who do not intend to file the 2025-2026 FAFSA should complete the Financial Aid Estimator and upload their results to their Questa application. If you take a screenshot of your results, be sure that the estimated Student Aid Index is included. This replaces the requirement for the FAFSA Submission Summary.

    Student Aid Estimator

Step 16

Contact Bekah Wren at or 260-407-6494, ext. 101 with any questions!

Go back to the Traditional Scholars Program page.

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