Marc R. Levy, Executive Director

Questa Foundation for Education


Questa Education Foundation is proud to announce that this year there were a total of 33 individuals who have graduated in May 2016 from colleges and Universities across the state of Indiana. 26 of those graduating were Traditional Scholars who went on to college from high school while 7 were participating in the Contemporary Scholars program focused upon returning students who had delayed their education.   Questa Education Foundation is a local non-profit serving northeast Indiana and is dedicated to increasing access to education beyond high school, reducing college debt and retention of talent.

Questa Education Foundation would like to congratulate the Spring 2016 college graduates:

Butler University: Allison Kanning

Grace College: Megan Donley, Cari O’Hara, Grace Woolsey

Huntington University: Catherine DePew, Amy Hetrick, Alyssa Plisco

Indiana Tech: Jacob Stafford

Indiana University: MaryFrances Easterday, Benjamin Fox, Lynsi Hicks

Indiana Wesleyan: Nicole Biggs, Abigail Hall, Kacie Kirk, Heidi Kolberg, Brittany Sork, Leah Sponseller

IPFW: Mahmuda Arman, Kaleb Krempel, Lori Lupica, Emily Mastelou-Page, Kimberly Taylor

Purdue University: Rachel Crouch, Noah Rider, Lauren Smith, Allison Strickler

St. Mary’s: Madeline Harris

Trine University: Kali Chenoweth, Wade Hantz, Brok Sailor, Jonathan Tinkey

University of St. Francis:  Brooke Conrad, Abby Evard, Kelli Kruckeberg, Nicole Satalino

The scholars received low-interest forgivable loans that allowed them to complete their degree with less debt.  The scholars will receive 50% in loan forgiveness from Questa by living and working in northeast Indiana for the next 5 years following their graduation. An additional 25% of the total loan is paid back by attending and graduating from one of the eight partner regional institutions- Indiana Tech, Ivy Tech, IPFW, University of St. Francis, Huntington University, Grace College, Manchester University, Trine University , and previously - Indiana Wesleyan.  Funding for Questa Scholars comes from local and regional foundations, businesses and organizations.  Local support is essential for helping increase the access to continued education and preparation for employment in our communities. For more information, you can go to the website or call us at 260-407-6494.