Job Searching

Job Searching: Tips, Resources and Encouragement from the Questa team


You just graduated college and it's time for the real world. No more classes or studying (breathe a sigh of relief), but now it's time to search for a job. Finding the right job that you're qualified for can be a taxing, stressful process. These are some tips from the Questa team to get through this time of searching. Read on and find job positions available in Northeast Indiana from Questa's partners and funders.

Tips & Tricks

1. Don't be discouraged if you don't hear back. Often times it can take a month or two to hear back from a job you've applied for, or you don't hear back at all. Don't be discouraged! It's not because you aren't qualified or couldn't be a great fit for the company. Continue to apply at other companies.

2. Use your connections. Go down your list of Facebook and LinkedIn friends. Where do they work? They may know of a job opening in the company they work for, or could put in a good word for you. After all, "it's who you know."

4. Try another internship & do your research. If you are fresh out of college, you may not have the needed experience for your dream job. Ask yourself: what do I want to do? Do some research and find out what it would take to land that position and possibly apply for an internship to get more experience. This will add more valuable experience to your resume - plus a job might come from it!

5. You may not find your dream job right away - and that's ok! It takes time to find that right fit. Don't get too set on one thing. Now is the time to explore your options.

6. Don't rule it out. Before you choose whether a job is right for you or not just by looking at the title, dig a little deeper and see what it's all about. You may be more qualified than you think, and it might sound interesting.

Network, network, network...
talk to your friends, friends of friends, parents’ friends, next door neighbors, your teachers, coaches and others who know you. Keep the network aware of your interests, status and motivation. It’s like dropping a stone in the lake and the ripples move out. They can touch the shore and bounce back or keep on drifting. The more ripples the more movement and potential impact.
— Marc Levy, Questa's Executive Director



Not sure where to start looking?

Grab a cup of coffee, your updated resume, and your laptop and try searching for jobs at Questa's partner companies and organizations. These companies are dedicated to investing in and keeping talent in the Northeast Indiana area. They may be looking for someone like you! 

Auer Center for Arts and Culture | Arts United - searching for Education Specialists, Development Officers, and Event Associates!

Brotherhood Mutual Insurance - Even if you think insurance isn't your world, Brotherhood is not only searching for Underwriters and Program Analysts, but Web Designers & Developers!

Fort Wayne Metals

Steel Dynamics

Lake City Bank

Sweetwater Sound

Parkview Hospital - not just for nurses! Parkview also has IT, Communications/Marketing, and HR positions available. 

3Rivers Credit Union

Greater Fort Wayne, Inc.

Search for jobs within your county

Adams - Government and community jobs available

Allen - Opportunities in teaching, project management, nursing, and environmental health!

DeKalb - Internship opportunities with DeKalb County Probation, Program Facilitator for CHANGE Academy, and more

Huntington - Dispatcher & Jailer positions open


LaGrange - Positions open include 911 Dispatcher, Deputy Assessor, and Jail Officer


Steuben- Environmental Health Specialist, Equipment Operator, Road Control, EMS Director, Paramedic





Look at Colleges

Finding employment at a college is a great transition from college life to a career, plus you already have great connections with faculty, advisers, and staff at the college you attended. Start looking at the current openings with Questa's partner schools in the Northeast Indiana area.

Indiana Tech

Indiana University Fort Wayne

Ivy Tech

Grace College

Huntington University

Manchester University

Purdue Fort Wayne

Trine University

University of Saint Francis

Don’t give up! I applied for over 30 different jobs within Indiana and in other states. Not hearing back can be difficult (seriously - I felt like not hearing back was worse than a “no”), but it’s better to try than wish you had! Your efforts will pay off.
— Hillary Troup, Questa's Scholar & Marketing Speciliast