Questa Announces Retirement of Executive Director and Search for New Leadership

Marc Levy, Executive Director of the Questa Education Foundation

Marc Levy, Executive Director of the Questa Education Foundation

On behalf of the Questa Education Foundation Board of Directors, Chair Gary Adkins announced that Marc Levy after 8 years as the Executive Director will be retiring at the end of the fiscal year June 30.

Gary Adkins, Questa Board Chair, President of Parkview Noble Hospital

Gary Adkins, Questa Board Chair, President of Parkview Noble Hospital

“We have been honored and grateful for the visionary leadership, talent and passion that Marc brought to the organization. His work with the staff and board has strengthened and grown the organization and moved it into the 21st century.  Questa is acknowledged for funding individuals desiring to pursue further education who have funding gaps. The growth and success of the organization is demonstrated each year by both the ongoing Questa Scholars funded and by the outstanding results achieved growing the talent in the region,” says Adkins.

The board has recently approved a succession plan to recruit and hire an individual who has the ability to take Questa forward serving our region and who can continue to strengthen the collaboration and partnerships across the area.  Optimally the individual selected to lead Questa into the future will be someone who has relevant work experience in higher education, economic development, or the nonprofit sector.  The successful candidate would also preferably have a passion for Northeast Indiana and a strong understanding of education and its ties to economic development in Northeast Indiana.  The job description and posting are being made available and a search committee has been formed to begin the task of finding the next leader for this important organization. The goal is to have an individual chosen by April so that a smooth transition can occur during the later stages of the fiscal year which ends in June of 2020. 

The Questa Foundation has three primary goals: Increasing access to all postsecondary education alternatives, completion with less debt and retention of talent in northeast Indiana.  Questa has served over 1,300 individuals since 2007 with forgivable loans, grants, scholarships and stipends.

“When I started,” Levy said, “the conversation was about the brain drain and as we progressed it became clear it was really about filling the talent gap in our communities. So, we carried the message across the area stressing the importance of investing in people as our most important regional asset.  Having a workforce prepared for the 21st Century economy is how we maintain and grow a thriving economy and without it we will find communities struggling to economically survive. The staff and board have been dedicated to the goals of the organization and willing to support expansion of our initiatives to address the rapidly changing economy and this challenging talent gap.”

Information regarding the Questa Education Foundation can be found out the website  A full job description is available and can be requested.  For those who are interested or know of an individual who might be interested please submit a letter of interest and your resume.


Application reviews will begin in December. A letter of intent and resume should be sent to: