The Present & Future Faces of Education

We asked one thing of our scholars currently studying education and graduates who are now teachers, “Has COVID-19 made you decide to change your career path?” Many educators and schools are facing challenges connecting with students due to the restrictions enforced from the pandemic. How will we teach virtually? How can we keep students engaged? The good news is we have excellent Questa Scholars who are passionate about the students in our region and do their best every day to teach in unique ways. 

“I have changed my classroom the most because of COVID-19, but if anything, it’s improved my teaching! I want to make an impact on students’ lives by showing them the joy of learning, patience when things don’t go as planned, and kindness in all situations…” Christina Coats, Class of 2019 

“COVID-19 definitely made me take a step back and evaluate…but at the end of the day, my desire is to educate children well and believe, equip, and inspire each one of them as they begin their journey into the world on their own,” Haydn Faur, Class of 2021 

“Covid-19 has never made me consider changing careers. I love to help people! I look forward to facing several challenges so I can become a stronger educator for my students and for our future,” Faith Kamp, Class of 2024 

Creative, patient, kind and resilient; these are the faces of our current and future teachers. 

Nichole Winans

Nichole Winans

Abby Sheehan

Abby Sheehan

Sarah Schmucker

Sarah Schmucker

Rachel Platt

Rachel Platt

Michayle Rasbaugh

Michayle Rasbaugh

Andrew Halferty

Andrew Halferty

Ayn-Margaret Schaekel

Ayn-Margaret Schaekel

Lori Hoese

Lori Hoese

Faith Kamp

Faith Kamp

Haydn Faur

Haydn Faur

Breana Green

Breana Green

Emily Stetka

Emily Stetka

Christina Coats

Christina Coats